Announcing Pre-MainNet

Today, we are launching Pre-MainNet. Improvements over the previous release include: open-sourced codeglobal coverage has increased with dozens of new countries, including the standardization of biometric identity cards in the European Union (Regulation 2019/1157) which is one our main use…

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JUBILEE: Debt Relief and Forgiveness

In our latest paper (code-named “JUBILEE”), we use secure computation to compute debt settlements without involving third parties, incentivising all the involved parties to truthfully reveal their private information about expected recovery valuations. Thanks to secure computation, we obtain better…

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The New IBAN of Digital Currency

What is IBAN?             The IBAN is a numbering scheme that was created to identify bank accounts across national borders: it was conceived to unify bank account identification and standardize their format (i.e., country, bank, branch, routing code, and account…

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Announcing TESTNET

Today, we are launching our TESTNET and getting closer to launching the MAINNET network. Our current TESTNET features the following novel technologies: Highly scalable blockchain Private and Verifiable Smart Contracts: secure smart contracts on which you can develop Cryptographically Secure…

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