USPTO will issue the patent of The Secure Spreadsheet

We are happy to announce that the United States Patent and Trademark Office will issue the Patent No. 10423806 to “Secure Computation on Spreadsheets”.

The history of this patent goes back very far:

  • One of the first software patents was the LANPAR spreadsheet compiler, filed in 1970 and granted in 1983: the patent for “The Secure Spreadsheet” is also written as a compiler.
  • In 1982, Andrew C. Yao publishes the first Protocols for secure computation.
  • In 1997, Nick Szabo illustrated for the first time in “The God Protocols” the basics of a spreadsheet enabled for secure computation. Even today, the spreadsheet is the most used calculation program in the world, although always lacking advanced cryptographic functionalities.
  • After thousands of publications and more than $100MM in research projects by the cryptographic community, David Cerezo Sánchez filed in 2014 the first patent describing all the details to efficiently enable spreadsheets with secure computation techniques.
  • In 2017, the first version of “The Secure Spreadsheet” was published, closing a 20-year-old problem.

This patent exemplifies our continued focus on producing the most secure software in the world as our top priority, proven unbreakable by mathematical proofs.