Scalable Blockchain on the Largest Identity Network of the World, with Private and Verifiable Smart Contracts

Current permissionless blockchains are slow, insecure and fail to properly manage the real-world identity of their users. However, our blockchain solves all these problems by pushing the state-of-the-art on cryptographic research. Our identity solution integrates the most diffused identity network on the world (i.e., electronic national identity cards -3.5 billion and growing-), larger than the VISA network (3.2 billion), and the electronic passport (1 billion) to include all the countries that are still reluctant to adopt electronic national identity cards. Thus, our blockchain is the perfect solution to serve all the unbanked that only own government credentials (1.7 billion adults lack a bank account according to the World Bank): actually, the integration with national identity smartcards would be essential to provide service in depauperized places where electricity is intermittent.

Raziel Ethereum Bitcoin Ripple VISA
Transactions/second 5.000 (*) 15 5 1500 5000
Finality 1 sec 1 min 1 hour 4 sec 4 sec
Sybil Resistance zk-PoI PoW PoW Not apply (Permissioned) Not apply (Permissioned)
Environmentally Friendly X X
Identity-Enabled Electronic National Identity Cards (3.5B)
Electronic Passports (1B)
Smart Contracts Private and Verifiable Smart Contracts Solidity Non-Turing Complete Scripts X X
Developer Market Size 4.200.000 15.000 <1.000 X
Number of Cards 3.5B (**) 3.3B
Integration with Business Software The Secure Spreadsheet X X X

 (*) Note: depends on the number of shards and nodes per shard

(**) Source: Acuity

Last but not least, Bitcoin is a well-known environment disaster, consuming 417 kg of CO2 per transaction and 35.830  kt of CO2 per year. Other blockchains don’t fall short: for example, miners of Ethereum have emitted more than 250 million of tons of CO2 since its inception. However, our blockchain relies on our cutting-edge Zero-Knowledge Proof-of-Identity as Sybil-resistance mechanism: greener than PoW and more capital-efficient than PoS.